The 11 Plus exam in Buckinghamshire could be undergoing significant changes in the near future, according to proposals put forward by the local council. The proposed changes are aimed at making the...Read More
Grammar schools have been a controversial topic in the UK for many years, with some seeing them as a vital part of the education system and others seeing them as perpetuating inequality. Recently, a...Read More, a leading provider of 11 Plus materials, has released a new set of resources to help students prepare for the exam. The materials include practice tests, study guides, and...Read More
Kent is known for having a highly competitive 11 Plus exam system, with only a small percentage of students passing the exam each year. However, this year has seen a record number of students pass...Read More
The 11 Plus exam has long been a source of controversy in the UK. Many have criticized the exam for being biased towards privileged students who have access to better education and resources. Now, a...Read More
The 11 Plus exam, also known as the Eleven Plus, is an exam taken by many primary school students in the UK in their last year of primary school, usually at the age of 11. The exam is used to...Read More